Shanna Downing

About your photographer.

I'm your playfully free-spirited intimate photographer.

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Shanna Downing Photography

About Shanna Downing

My name is Shanna Downing. I love spending my time in the sunny freedom of exploring outdoors, working out in my favorite gym, and savoring a hot americano! I am passionate about experiencing as many moments in life with my beautiful family and adventurous friends!

I believe each morning should start early, as each day is a new opportunity to intentionally make today your best day yet. I believe the world is meant to be traveled experiencing and embracing other cultures. I believe accomplishing a mornings' demanding workout confirms you are able to make it through any hurdles the day may bring.

I believe being a Mom to my 3 amazing kids has been my biggest privilege in life, watching them grow into incredible individuals, each in their own unique way. My wish for my kids lives is they will always follow their own unique path that makes them truly happy inside, if they are happily enjoying their lives then they are living a truly accomplished life!

You are worth it. You are enough.

Be intentional. Be True. Be You.